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Google Cloud Platform – A little more to know

Let’s get to know GCP a little more. As mentioned in the previous Google Cloud Platforms blog, GCP is offering regional services and the platform is available in 24 regions as of now and a total of 74 zones. Each region has 3 zones while US central-1 alone has 4 zones.  

 But wait! What are these regions and zones? 

 Let’s delve in! 


GCP Regions

The availability regions of GCP are the geographical locations where the GCP cloud data centers are present. Aforementioned, GCP has 24 regions where different regions offer various services in disparate qualities taking into consideration the latency, portfolios of solutions and pricing. Google is one emerging provider in terms of Cloud Platforms and the regions are expected to multifold in the days coming.  


GCP Zones

The availability zone of GCP means an isolated data center within the bounds of a single region where the cloud resources are deployed. It’s where the GCP services originate and operate. Each zone encapsulates multiple data centers and a single data center is never shared between two or more availability zones. For the aspect of high availability and fault tolerance, GCP recommends deploying applications across multiple zones present in a region.  

 The more the regions and zones, the higher the availability of the service for a greater number of users. Google is now thriving to equalize the GCP zones and regions to that of contemporary cloud service providers AWS and Microsoft Azure. It isn’t that far for the tech giant to multiply the numbers.  

Major areas of GCP service availability are (common for AWS and Azure as well) 

  • China 
  • North America 
  • Southeast Asia 
  • East Asia 
  • Europe 


Google Cloud Platform – usage

Now, ‘who can use Google Cloud Platform?’ might be your next question. Google is offering the cloud platform as a service with its strong infrastructure for organizations and enterprises for their business operations. Instead of setting up their own operational systems, organizations can rely on cloud platforms that are deployed with their hardware and storage at the data centers by simply paying and using those.  


Who can Learn Google Cloud Platform?

Anyone with a passion to work in the gigantic tech industry anywhere across the world can learn GCP. By learning this program, you will be introduced to a lot of job opportunities that demand skills in the Google Cloud Platform. As we witness that many businesses from small scale to large scale are imparting cloud platforms and using them to set up their business, acquainting knowledge about GCP is indubitably going to secure a job for an ideal candidate.  


What are the benefits of GCP? 

  • Available for a better deal than other service providers 
  • Live migration of virtual machines 
  • Enhanced performance 
  • Dedication to continued expansion 
  • Redundant backups at regular intervals 
  • Proven security
  • Private global fiber network 


If you are looking for a way to attain a well-paying highly skilled job, then Google Cloud Architect is one of the rewarding professions out there. Learn GCP in a few months with the tutelage and assistance of industry experts.  

Nengutech is offering tailor-made GCP programs online for tech aspirants. Register now and start learning. We’ve made it easy for you. Connect with our education coordinator. I hope this blog helped you in making discretion of learning GCP.  

For inquiries, mail to 

Stay connected to the Nengu blogs for more information about GCP, AWS, Azure and more… Thanks for reading!

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